Central Java Police put sniper snipers or in some secure location for travelers of 2009 caused Lebaran evil squirrels jump.

Squirrel jump is a crime committed by a group of people took over the vehicle amid a quiet street. They do not hesitate to hurt or kill vehicle owner's after.

Gen. Pol Wakapolda Tonny Java Aribawanto sniper asserted that the placement of the police is proof there is no tolerance. If there is a criminal act will do direct action.

"If we need to follow the warnings. If the perpetrator attempts to flee or fight, we need to do shots. Dibagian but not lethal, just to knock out. That is why we include a sniper for the security of going home and back flow primarily from the evil squirrels jump," Tonny said Brig Aribawanto Pol.

Central Java Police ranks will not put a sniper in one spot only. Because according to the nature of squirrels jump Wakapolda continue begrerak. They can not be prevented at one point.

Central Java Police has 17 areas prone to record a jump of squirrels in Cimohong Brebes, Central Kambang Brebes, Kedung Kelor Tegal, Ampel Gading Pemalang, Alas Roban Trunk, Sarang Rembang, Bawen semarang, Cashew Semarang, Cepu Blora, Kragan Temanggung, Dayeuh Luhur Cilacap, Connect Macan Sragen, Tawangmangu Karanganyar, Boyolali Ampel, Prambanan Klaten, Banyumas and Rawalo Lumbir Banyumas.

In locations that put the Central Java Police sniper. But Java Wakapolda declined to say the number of deployed snipers to secure the flow forth and back Lebaran 2009.

"The number of sniper does not need to know. It's all internal we know," said Tonny