As a true Muslim, the arrival and presence of a noble Ramadan this year is something we are very happy. Imagine, by performing worship of Ramadan, so much profit we will get, both in the life of the world and in the Hereafter
Herein lies the importance for us to open the secret veil of fasting as one of the most important part of the worship of Ramadan.
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in his book Worship Fil Islam there are five secrets revealed fast can we go to the next can we feel pleasure in the worship of Ramadan.
1. Strengthening the Soul
In living life, do not we find some people who dominated by his own desires, and man is to obey Any desire to be his desire, although it is something false and disturbing as well expense of others. Therefore, in Islam there is order to combat the passions in the sense of trying to to be able to control it, rather than killing lust makes us have no desire for something worldly. When in this war human defeat, major disaster will occur because humans are losing the war against lust It will divert from penuhanan to Allah as God is true to the passions which tend to
directing people to the error. God commands
we consider this issue in His Word
means: So have you ever seen anyone who makes
own desires as his Lord and God let it
lost based on his knowledge. (Surah 45:23)
With fasting, the people will succeed
Desire to control who makes his soul to
strong, even so, people will get
high degree of like the holy angels
and this will make it capable of knocking and open
the gates of heaven to all do'anya granted
by Allah, the Prophet said: which means: There
three groups of people are not denied their prayer:
a fasting person to break the fast, fair leader and
prayers of oppressed people. (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
2. Will Educate
Fasting educate a person to have a willingness to
seriously in goodness, even for
implement good is hindered by various obstacles.
Fasting is good to make someone continue
maintain good wishes, although opportunities
to deviate so much. Therefore, the Prophet
states: Fasting is half of patience.
In this regard, the fast will create the spiritual strength
an increasingly vibrant Muslim. Spiritual power of the prima
would make someone not be carried away despite
achieve success or worldly pleasures very
large, and spiritual strength will also make a
Muslims would not despair even if the suffering that
experienced very difficult.
3. Healthy Body
In addition to health and spiritual strength, a good fast
and true will also provide a positive influence
physical health. This is not only expressed by
Of the Prophet, but also was evidenced by the
doctors or health experts who make our world
no need to doubt it anymore. They concluded that
at certain moments, it should be resting stomach
from working in food processing as well as
machine must rested, especially in Islam, the contents
stomach should be divided into three, one-third
for food, water and one third to one-third to
4. Know Your Enjoyment Value
In this life, is already so much pleasure
God gave man, but many also
people who are not smart grateful. One can not
feels good because he wanted two, can the two not
feels good because it wanted three, and so
onwards. And if people want to pay attention and
reflect on what had actually gotten very
exciting because so many people who obtain
something no more or no more easily than what
what you get.
So with fasting, humans are not only told to
consider and reflect on the pleasures that have been
obtained, but also told to direct how merasaakan
real big favor that God gave to us.
This is because only a few hours we did not eat and
drinking has been felt really suffering, and
when we break the fast, feels very much favors
of God, even if only a date or a sip of grain
water. Herein lies the importance of fasting in order to educate
us to realize the high value God's pleasure
given that we went on to become a good person
grateful and do not undermine the enjoyment of God
although the terms of the number is few and small. Taste
thanksgiving is going to make it grow a lot of favors,
both in terms of number or at least in terms of taste,
Allah says which means: And (remember), when
Your Lord announced: "If ye
grateful, pasati We will add (favors) unto you,
and if ye deny (My favor), then the actual
My punishment is very painful. (Surah 14:7)
5. Considering and Experiencing Suffering of Others
Feel hungry and thirsty also provide experience to
us how to weigh the suffering of people perceived
other. Because experience hunger and thirst we feel
will be over in just a few hours, while
other people's suffering will end sometime. Of
Here, it should be growing fast and secure
our solidarity to other Muslims who
experienced the suffering that until now still not
resolved, such as the suffering of our brothers in
Or Maluku Ambon, Aceh and in many other areas in
Land Water and is happening in various parts of the world
such as in Chechnya, Kosovo, Iraq, Palestine and
Therefore, as a symbol of solidarity that,
before Ramadan ends, we are obliged to
give to charity in order to thereby gradually
we can overcome the problems of people who
suffer. Even charity is not only for the interests of
the poor and suffering, but also for us who
out to be the case, missing dirtiness
our souls are related to assets such as property mad,
mean, and so on.
Allah says which means: Take alms from some
their property, the charity that you clean and
purify them and to their mendo'alah.
Surely you prayers that (a) calm
for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, the All
Know. (Surah 9:103)
Welcome to the Happy
Because the secret of fasting is something very important
for us, then it is fitting that we should
welcomed the arrival of Ramadan this year with a full sense of
excited that our joy will make us
could practice their religion in light of Ramadan later
Ramadan worship although it is hard.
Our joy for the coming month of Ramadan should be
we show by trying as much as possible
take advantage of Ramadan as the momentum for the year
mentarbiyyah (educate) ourselves, families and communities
towards strengthening or stabilization of taqwa to Allah,
something that is so we need for efforts to achieve
blessing from Allah swt for our nation to
are still facing a large variety of problems. We
would be concerned about the condition of our nation's
crisis, a crisis that should be dealt with
strengthen faith and godly, but instead to use
their own way which ultimately triggers
conflicts and divisions that keep us precisely
of mercy and blessing from Allah
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