GENERAL man likes her partner to explore the entire body. Still, they did not find any areas that can spur the desire him.

It is said that women like "spoiled" in a particular area. In order to stimulate the desire and make him easier to achieve orgasm, then you need to know any areas that should be explored. In fact, it is quite likely to make it float up to the seventh heaven.

For you who're curious to know where the area of women that can stimulate sexual arousal, exposure is summarized AskMen able to answer the following:


Hair is the crown of a woman who can be used to tease him when beradegan bed. Before having sex, women are often sprayed perfume in her hair.

The goal for Mr. P mate quickly aroused so nan sensual smell of hair teasing the woman. While making out, you can gently stroking the scalp or the hair of each she. This will make her feel very loved by her partner.


The eyes are the windows hearts. When sexual intercourse, usually women like looking in the eyes of their partner. Sexual sensations and feelings of intimacy can make sense of her flowered.

Sense of being loved and "spoiled" by her partner to make a woman reach orgasm easily, not even once but could repeatedly.

Area around the neck

The weather will be very flattered when treated with a gentle and loving way by their partner. Therefore it is not surprising that women always expect their partner to always provide sexual stimulation.

Hugs, soft kisses on the lips, and advances around the neck, breast until her stomach can make a woman aroused great before the event begins the core struggle.

You can use your hands and arms to provide sexual stimulation to a partner. Make sure that the couple enjoyed every stimulus that you provide