JAKARTA - Malaysia, Indonesia back to claim culture - dance Pendet, Bali - the culture of those who visit the ad included in their year. Previously, they had claimed angklung, reog Ponorogo, batik, Hombo Rock, and Dance Folaya.

Cultural, Radhar Panca Dahana, said the claim by the Malaysian culture of Indonesia for the umpteenth time the Indonesian government's own fault. "Yes it's okay lah, we also like to take another culture for the promotion," he told Republika, Wednesday (19 / 8).

He missed the culture rate is actually a mirror or reflection. He considered us hurt and ashamed, because we realize as the owner of that culture we do not notice it. "During this marginalized culture, government and society no longer cares," he said.

While other countries, like Malaysia, said Radhar, requires the extension of culture, because culture is the best weapon for international diplomacy. Potential good business. "Malaysia know they lack the culture, they are good at seeing the culture of its neighbors, and they appreciate culture for profit, while our government does not care. Only care about sports and other programs," he said.

For that, Radhar said, the future for Indonesia is not missed again, the government must look at the culture. "We promote our culture that we have in front, come up with our culture in the ceremonies, events, do the songs sung today by our president," he said.