Jakarta In everyday life, sex is fun if done with a partner. It turned out that behind the perceived enjoyment is unexpected benefits.

One benefit is sex can reduce pain such as pain
head. One study found that increased levels of oxytocin can
reduce the pain which the hormone oxytocin is increased and becomes
reasons for the orgasm as quoted from detikhot health24, Friday

A survey has shown that people who frequently have sex more comfortable, happy and learning to cope with stress in a better way. In addition, people who have sex regularly said they slept better and fresh throughout the day.

In sex there are a lot of calories burned. Every half hour, there are about 150 calories burned. Wow!

By the time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA is increased in response
against sexual ragsangan and ejaculation. The hormone DHEA may improve
improve the immune system network, improve cognition, maintain
stay healthy skin, and even worked as an antidepressant.

Of these benefits, if you berorgasme two times a week, so indirectly you extend