It seems that beauty has disappeared from the earth after the departure of a beauty damsel queen Jasmin Fiore from the world. A beauty Queen of the famous magazine” Play Boy”, was found dead in a suitcase.

According to police report she was murdered. It is suspected that a person named, Ryan Alexander Jenkins, a Reality TV Show contestant, has a rolled in this murder. Both were seen together before her murder. Ryan Alexander Jenkins is still underground and has not any contact with police. His negligence can put him in a big trouble and he killed her in jealousy. Ryan and jasmine first met in a casino and after spending some time together they became good friends.
It is unbelievable thing that, how death can behave roughly with a softy doll. She was found in the Buena Park area of Los Angeles in the morning of 15 August, by police. She was an example of pleasure. Her photo career shows that her sympathy and affections for life. She was only 28 year old. It was a climax of her career but Death did not gave her a chance for acquire the most hire status in her field. Although, she died but her name and the effects of her beauty will remain ever in all over the world.